Instructomania Prehistory Mini-Unit$28

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Included in The Instructomania Teacher Club Membership:

Our history curriculum is organized by unit & lesson.

Units included: Pre-History, Mesopotamia, Eygpt, India, China, Greece, Rome, Americas (Aztec, Maya, Inca), Hebrews

The following is included in each unit

Daily Bell Ringers

Introductory Lessons and videos 

Geography lessons with activities & assessments

Vocabulary lessons for each unit with assessments

Guided Notes, Stations & Snapshot Readings 

Content quizzes & mini-assessments in Google Forms & paper versions

Content activities & Claim Evidence Reasoning assignments

Key concepts review, including Doodle Notes and overarching activities

Study guides & assessments

+All Future Curriculums

  • Total payment
  • 1xInstructomania Prehistory Mini-Unit$28

All prices in USD

What Other Teachers Are Saying

Extremely satisfied This comprehensive resource has been a game-changer in my classroom and has made teaching about ancient Mesopotamia a breeze. First and foremost, the bundle includes a wide range of lesson plans and activities that cover all aspects of the Mesopotamian civilization. The variety of materials, including printable and Google-compatible options, has allowed me to cater to the diverse learning needs of my students. Whether they prefer

Kelly G

Extremely satisfied I teach the ancient civilizations using the GRAPES acronym and these resources add nicely to what I already have. The resources are well organized. The World Domination activity is a favorite.

Travis S

Extremely satisfied Mesopotamia - a place my students have never heard of...ever, lol! Thank you for creating resources that help me to draw my class into the ancient world using quality, high level thinking activities.

